Monday, August 15, 2011

10 Years ago....

So I thought I would post a quick note about what has changed in the past 10 years, just easy to notice, simple stuff:

* Graduated from UNR - Wow! Really it has been 10 years? I am getting old. I graduated 10 years ago and it just doesn't seem that long ago. The days of going to class, melting in the August heat for Marching Band, staying up late to write papers and make presentations in PowerPoint seem like only yesterday...

*Got a big girl job - After graduating from UNR I was looking for a full time job. At the time I was working part time at Best Buy (the first one in Reno by Barnes and Noble). I had been there since they opened in 1999 and though maybe I could stay there for a while. The management however didn't want to offer me full time. They said "You have a negative attitude". I seem to get that a lot but I have found it isn't me having a bad attitude; they don't like having free thinking employees speak up for themselves or point out problems/issues and try to fix them. So after a few months of stringing me along with the hopes of full time job, I decided to look online with the State of Nevada and TA-DA! Got my current job at UNR. So I have been here 10 years and seems like only yesterday I was the green grasshopper in the department.

*Got a new car - Mom and Dad helped to get me a new car once I graduated. When I first came to UNR I was driving my awesome 1977 Chevy Nova. It did ok the first year or so when I lived on campus and wasn't driving it every day. But when I moved off campus and had to commute, it was not a happy camper. It didn't like the altitude and the cold. So Mom and Dad let me drive the Mitsubishi Galant (which Jessie and I drove into the ground) during the rest of my college days. Once I graduated they helped me get a 2001 Toyota Carolla and I am still driving it today. It gets great gas mileage (34 miles to gallon last time I filled up) and has had many trips to/from Bunkerville and even Disneyland, San Francisco and the California Coast. Love my little car.

*Bought a house - Ok so this is more like 8 years ago but close enough. Mom and Dad helped me to buy a house and Jessie and Brian (my husband now but my boyfriend at the time) became roommates and had a lot of fun. We landscaped the front yard (with the help of Mom, Dad and Uncle Steve) moving a mountain of rock. Brian did a great job with the lawn, plants, and irrigation. Only blew the backflow converter 3 years in a row before we figured out what we were doing. Now we are doing the back yard, little by little, but it is starting to come together finally. Brian and I just laid out some brick tiles for a temporary resting place for my fire pit. We hope to have it blazing next week and hopefully Jessie can come back and chill with us out there.

So that pretty much is it. I will add some pictures to the post in the next week or so. You can then really tell the difference.

Until next time.....Remember to stop and smell the roses, they are a blessing from the Lord :)