Tuesday, September 27, 2011

August/September Update

Time for another update...

Jessie came home the first part of August after spending a lot of time at the hospital. We finally got her cleared to do at-home chemotherapy through her insurance so we got her home and got things going. She was doing really well and all was great. Finally got a routine down with Jessie's meds and such. I got up at 6am for her first dose of pills, got her cleaned up and turned after sleeping on her side for the night, got ready for work and gave her the 8am pills before I left her in Dad's care. It worked our pretty well for us.

Then she got her second at home chemo session and got really sick. Over the Labor Day weekend she was really weak and tired. The nurse came and during a routine blood work found that her blood count was dangerously low. She was at a 5 where 12 is normal. So we had to rush her to the ER for a major blood transfusion and plasma was also needed due to her coumadin (blood thinner) level was so high. I felt like when we took her to the hospital that she would be there for a few days and then all would be well. Of couse I was wrong.

Jessie ended up in the hospital for a week and the oncologist finally said that he couldn't do anything more for Jessie. The chemo treatment is just too much for her body to deal with; causing way more harm than good. He said that it was time to take her home and start hospice care so she can be comfortable and enjoy whatever time she has left. Needless to say that was not what Dad and I wanted to hear but we understood. He gave us his 'medical advice' on her remaining time but that is besides the point. She doesn't have an expiration date so we didn't tell her that. She doesn't need that looming over her.

So Dad started to get the arrangements made to get Mom up here to spend time with us. I helped get Jessie home and comfortable and the get hospice started. The people with hospice are very nice. They have to be; this is definitely an unique job and takes a very special person to be able to work in this field. Jessie, of course, is still very clear thinking and wanted to know why we had different nurses so I had to explain that we can't do anymore chemo and switched nursing care to the hospice company. She was so upset and I don't blame her. But I was strong when telling her and explaining that we are doing what is best to keep her out of the hospital and health and comfortable at home. I think that hospice is great because they take care of all of her prescriptions (no more waiting in line at Walgreens) and they bring everything to the house and do it all! For time efficiency reasons, it makes perfect sense. And their social worker explained to Jessie that they have people on hospice care for years so she doesn't need to worry.

Jessie is still strong although she has crappy days and good days. She actually is more aware of things now that she is out of the hospital and we have had so many people stop by and visit everyday of the week! Her friends at one of her old jobs made a lot of pre-made dinners for us and bought frozen food (via our 'meals on wheels' Lacey) that it has truly been a blessing for us. Mom and Dad are so touched and amazed at the love shown to Jessie. She has touched so many lives and this is just proof of that.

So now it is the end of September and we just don't know what the next weeks or months will bring. Jessie still has an amazing smile and laughs and cares about so much. She is my best friend and sister forever. Whatever life brings I know she will be okay :)

Here is a quick collage I made on my iphone of her and her flowers. Always smiling and happy!