Jessie passed away last Monday 10/10/11. She was at home surrounded by constant love with Mom and Dad and myself.
Sunday was a really hard day for me. Jessie wasn't really responsive; just really tired and having some trouble getting air. So called the nurse and she said that her body was starting its 'shut off' process. I was not aware that the body does that but I guess it does. She said the keep Jessie comfortable as we would only have 24-36 hours left! I couldn't believe what she was saying. As the nurse left us to go along with the process, I just felt like my heart was going to stop. How can you measure what time you have left on earth. I know Jessie heard and I feel that she decided that she still had some fight in her. She didn't want to go just yet. I told my Dad that it was time to call the priest for Jessie to have her last rites.
Sunday night was a long night - no sleep. We just cried and cried over Jessie. I know that it must have been hard for her too as Mom said it seemed like Jessie was upset and crying too. We talked to her and tried to comfort her with her meds. We got to share with her our love and kisses and hugs. We got to tell her how sorry we were and how we would do what we can to make things better. It was just a long, long night.
Monday the sun came up and I ended up going to bed a bit in my room while Mom and Dad continued the vigil on Jessie. Dad called Uncle Steve and his cousins in California to tell them what was going on. Steve drove straight from San Francisco to be with us. Brian's mom Therese came by to and spent a few hours with us as we held Jessie's hand and stroked the few bits of hair on her head. Cousin Donna and Heidi arrived just as the hospice nurse was leaving to check on Jessie. They said that when they were heading towards us they saw a rainbow leading them to our home.
Jessie passed away surrounded by us all around 6:45pm. She fought until her last breathe but when it was time she opened her eyes and smiled! I know that her spirit left her and she was free. All I think was that she was free from the pain and suffering. Her body just couldn't keep up with her spirit and it was time for her to go. She waited until she knew that we had someone there to help us and comfort us like we were there to comfort her.
Jessie was the 'delicate flower' when she was in the hospital. Everyone that met her loved her; she was a beautiful and loving soul. I will miss my little sister but I know that she is always with me, always there to watch over me. I have been truly blessed to have had her as my sister and my best friend.
I love you Jessie.......