Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Week 1 and 2 of Radiation

So we have started the radiation for Jessie and so far things are going well. Brian and I worked out a transportation schedule to get Jess to and from the radiation appointments, which are at 1:30pm. Brian has been driving Jessie to the appointments in her Toyota Carolla as she would a somewhat difficult time getting in and out of the VW Bug.

So things are going well. Jessie doesn't seem to have any adverse effects at this time other than getting really tired. She twisted her ankle a few weeks ago so that has made it a bit hard to walk around the house. Jessie has had to stop doing some of the physical therapy just so she doesn't get too tired. It has become a catch 22 though...if she did the therapy she would gain some strength in her legs eventually but after working on her legs she gets really tired and it is harder for her to get out of bed or out of a chair to walk to the bathroom. So what can we do now? She gets enough working out walking around the house so we leave it at that.

Our mom will be here this coming Sunday and will be staying for about a month. That will help out so much in so many different ways. First and foremost Jessie will be comfortable and happy that mom is there to take care of her. Our mom is smart little Korean woman and she makes all sorts of things to make Jessie's life easier. Mom made a simple little pouch for Jessie's walker and it has been a Godsend for her. It holds her phone, medicine, and sometimes a soda can. So having Mom around to make things easier and more comfortable will be good for her. For me, it will put my mind more at ease to know Jessie is being watched over. Brian does a good job but he isn't awake in the mornings so if something happens it might be a while before Brian gets up to help.

I am hoping to get Jessie out for a sushi lunch with our friends in the next few weeks. It will be nice to get her out of the house and visit with people. A lot of our local friends have asked how she is doing and it would be nice for them to come out and have lunch with us and just have a good time.

Until next time.....take care and thank you for your continued prayers and happy thoughts!

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