Monday, February 22, 2010

Sushi, snow, King Tut and Persuasion

Ah, what a weekend! Jessie finished her last appointment of radiation this past Friday! Yeah! Those 28 days went by pretty fast. And she is getting stronger every day! She walks more around the house and it seems that things are starting to pick up now! Mom leaves this coming weekend and I don't know how I would have handled everything with her here. We may have our disagreements and discussions, but it is all out of love that we have come together to help Jessie and each other out.

As a celebration of Jessie finishing radiation, we went to sushi with some good friends. There was Lacey, Jessie's nurse whenever she comes out the visit. Lacey has helped us so much in the past few months that words will never explain the gratitude and friendship that we have with her. If she EVER needed anything, we will be there just like she has been there for us! Mom came, of course. Brian, my husband, joined us, although not for sushi ;) Brian has gone to sushi with us before and tried a few pieces and it just wasn't for him. Hey, at least he made the attempt. When Brian comes with us he gets the box lunch, which is teriyaki beef or chicken with rice, tempura and sushi (I eat the sushi!). Our friends Michon and Jason were also there. It was nice that they were able to come and visit with us and share in our happy occasion. It was their first time at Ijji and I think they liked it! It was a great time for everyone!

After sushi and a quick trip to Target we went home and watched the rain pour down. Needless to say that it turned to snow over night on Saturday. We woke up to about 16" of snow! Brian went out there and shoveled the driveway and wiped the snow off the cars. It was the wet, heavy snow so he wasn't really happy. He also had to dig his Bug out from the side driveway so that took some time. I tried to get Kitty Belle to go out in the snow but she didn't want anything to do with the snow. I guess she learned from the last time that it is wet and cold!

Sunday night Brian and I were watching about King Tut and are going to make plans to go to San Fran next month to catch the exhibit there before it leaves. It would be a once in a lifetime thing for me to check it out so we need to go. Then I made Brian watch the last 1 1/2 hours of the PBS movie "Persuasion" from Jane Austen. Needless to say, Brian was not a fan. He said, "I can make this movie ending a 15 minute show. Why does it take 9o minutes to deal with this angst and miscommunication?". I guess he didn't read Jane Austen in his English classes. I said that is just the way it is. So then Brian did his interpretation of Mystery Science Theatre 3000 while I watched the show. I enjoy his humor, must be why I married him?!?!

Anyways, that was the weekend. Hope you all had a wonderful weekend as well! Until next time..... Joan :)

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