Monday, March 1, 2010

Another year come and gone....

So here I sit in my office, a year ago just gone in a blink. Last year at this time, Jessie was just filing for unemployment and no one knew of the tumor in her spine that would make 2009 one of the worst years for me. Not only did she lose her job (but thank God she kept her COBRA insurance) but within months we would find the tumor in her spine! We just got back from a 12 day cruise with some girlfriends to Mexico. Things were great; we were laughing and having fun.

This time last year I was starting to worry about the budget issues. No one had answers about their job, potential layoffs, salary cuts, etc. And to think that even a year later, I am still stressed out and worried about more budget cuts and lost jobs. Today it sounds like the State government have been able to find ways to cuts some of the expenses and I won't be losing too much more from my salary. It has been a hard year (from last March) and it can only get better in my mind.

Money around the house is going to get tight in the next few months as we figure out what is going to happen to us all. Brian is still with UPS although he is still just part time. It has been a blessing for him to be part time since he is at home with Jessie during the day to take care of her by making her lunch and simple things around the house. He also has taken her to appointments which is helpful too. He said that UPS might be cutting down on hours, which is not a good thing but at least he has his job and his benefits. That is always the optomistic side of this whole thing. Jessie is still looking for a job and fighting for her unemployment. Hopefully by the end of March she will see if her appeal for unemployment went through. I don't see why it wouldn't but I am not the decision maker with that. She keeps plugging away, looking for a job and I hope that something great comes up. She deserves an awesome job considering all of the craziness she has gone through.

This week Jessie has a follow up MRI and then it is off to Dr Morgan to see what is going on with the tumor. We feel that it will be good news since she has been doing so well! Have to keep the happy and positive thoughts going!

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