Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Keepin' it clean....for now!

So I have been working really hard to keep things a bit cleaner or tidy around the house. It has been hard as I have realized that I am a paper-hoarder in the worst case! Cleaned out boxes of stuff that moved to the house with me from the condo and it was old paperwork, statements, check book registers, etc that needed to be shredded! What chaos! When I was cleaning out the bedroom closet Brian said it looked a tornado hit the bedroom! Anyways, a whole two boxes got shredded and there is so much more to go! Even Jessie got on the organization circuit as she is working to get her paperwork together for her taxes (seeing if she can write-off the medical this year) and the paper to be shredded is getting bigger and bigger! I feel like I need a bigger house to store everything!

On the bright side, Brian did build me a little platform for my ATT cable receiver (kitty Belle liked to sit on it during the cold winter mornings and I was worried she would break it) and bedroom TV. I moved the TV closer to the bed and can you believe I can finally read the bottom screen scroll at night on Sportscenter! Amazing what moving it just 2 feet can do! So now that there is an opening on the dresser I bought the big-daddy humidifier from Walgreens and it is amazing. It is ultra-sonic (not heat/steam for humidity) and it just makes that much more comfortable for me. It cost a pretty penny but I think that it will finally give me the edge to get over this lingering cough. The doctor said that I have asthma that is causing the chest distress but I don't know. I feel so much worse using the inhaler that I just suffer through it. I read online that there was a study in Sweden regarding vehicles with studded tires (snow tires) and that it kicks up a lot of road debris and since then I have been driving with the vents closed and I feel so much better when out of the house or office. I think the next thing for me would be to invest in a small Hepa air filter for the use in the bedrooms and I think I will be set.

Moving on to Jessie news: We went to see her radiologist/oncologist regarding the MRIs and craziness with her spine. Dr Morgan (neuro-surgeon) said that the 'growth' may be an additional tumor or cells growing, thus causing the issues that Jessie is having with her legs. She can't walk at all and is pretty much set in her wheelchair. He also said that it could just be radiaion 'fall-out' causing inflamation in her spinal cord. Well we went and saw Dr Dardick and he didn't feel that it is additional turmor cells, which is great news! But he also doesn't know what exactly we are dealing with. Most likely Jessie has some inflamation in her spinal cord (we don't know a cause or reason) and it is something that she can be living with for months or even for the next year. So that kind of sucks but still, no turmor growth! Great news none-the-less. So we just have to keep praying and thinking positive energy to make Jessie better.

I firmly believe (even though I can be a pain in the ass and snippy with her) that Jessie is going to be 100% sometime in the future. It will take a lot to get past this 'relapse' but Jessie is such a fighter and is so much stronger than I could ever imagine! She is my inspiration and I am going to try to live a more calm and stong life this year.....along with a diet :)

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