Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Spring 2011 Update

So, it has truly been a while since I have updated this blog. Really the major news to report is about Jessie.

At the beginning of the year, Jessie wasn't able to walk to she was getting around with her wheelchair. Jessie and I would carpool to work to town together since Jessie's car wasn't wheelchair capable for her to drive. So that went on for about a month. Jessie decided to talk to her rehab doctor and see if she could be re-admitted to the in-patient rehab so that she could build the strength she needed to get around better in the wheelchair. Jessie was approved and admitted to rehab the first part of February and spent the month working with the therapist to strengthen her core and arms.

Jessie came home right before her birthday, the first part of March and almost immediately complained of bad headaches. After about a week Jessie went to see her doctor about the headaches and was sent to the ER for observation and testing. It was then found that her tumor had moved to her neck and she had some questionable spots in her brain. This definitely was not the news we were expecting to hear and to say we were sad and devastated is too light of a term. Jessie was re-admitted to the hospital and started agressive treatment for her tumors, which included 5 1/2 weeks of radiation and chemo. Jessie had radiation before so we weren't too concerned about that as we were about the chemo. It is so hard on the body and basically kills everything, good and bad cells. Jessie wasn't able to complete her full schedule of chemo due to low blood counts and a low immune system.

Once all of this was said and done, Jessie went back for a few weeks to rehab and then was released back home the first part of May. However, she came home and a few days later had a major seizure. We were not prepared for that and had to call 911 to get her to the ER. She was at the hospital again for about a week and came home. However, while at the hospital and due to her low immune system, she got shingles. It was horrible to watch her suffer through the shooting pain due to the shingles. It was so bad that she passed out from the pain and we were so concerned already of her high blood pressure that we scared that she might have stroke. So off to the ER again we went. This time, she went to have her heart monitored and then ended up in Oncology, which is weird. I am sure that people that go to the Oncology ward appreciate the doctors and nurses there but with Jessie's case, I was not pleased with the care she received. I feel the attending doctor (who was not anyone we ever dealt with before) didn't listen to our concerns and left the other doctors in the dark. On the last day there, Jessie had a seizure and I explained to the doctor that it wasn't normal for her to have seizures. All he did was give some meds and said that if we take home and she has seizures that we need to contact her doctor to adjust her meds! That was it! No concern about what I said about not having a history of seizures! I ended up calling her neuro-surgeon and got him in the loop.

So home again we go with Jessie (this was last week) and over the weekend she again had a series of seizures. She was having them almost every 10 minutes and then had a major seizure that we had to again call 911. Thank God that the fire station is just around the corner and the firefighters are so caring and professional. It helps to calm us all down when you see they really care and are concerned. So back to the ER we go and now she is in the hospital as they adjust her meds. She is definitely doing a lot better. The doctors are trying to pinpoint the cause, but they do not believe it is tumor growth. They feel it might be residual inflammation caused by the radiation.

So that is pretty much the news for now. Oh, and due to the fact that Jessie was out of work for so long she lost her job at Harrah's. But, it has been a blessing for her. Her position was being elimiated anyways after the summer so she would have had to look for a job. Plus, due to be let go for medical reasons, she can have extended COBRA benefits so that will help us out a lot. Harrah's was an amazing company and with so many people that really cared for her wellbeing. I will always say good things about Harrahs due to the way they have treated Jessie, as an employee, and myself, as her sister, during these trying times. It makes it so nice to have a wonderful employer that tries to work with you during a medical crisis.

I will try to post more as things progress. Take care, thank you for prayers and positive energy and Thank God for all of the blessings and little miracles we have had thus far. We know He is with Jessie during these trying times.

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